Switch Theme
Getting startedInstallation
Jose Tamu
July 13, 2024 /  Beginner


Typed controls

Typed titles: the titles that will be set at the typing animation. If shuffle is set to false, the order followed when typing will be the order of the titles.

Animation controls

Type speed: the speed applied when typing. The demo uses 50.
Back speed: the speed applied when deleting letters backwards. The demo uses 50.
Start delay: determines the delay before starting the typing animation, just like a normal “Delay”. The demo uses 0.
Back delay: determines the delay before going backwards and start deleting letters. The demo uses 2000.
Shuffle: if enabled, titles set at the loop will be shuffled instead of following an order.
Loop: if there should be at least more than one typing iteration.
Loop count: determines the number of loops before stoping the animation. Use the keyworkd ‘Infinite’ to loop forever.
Cursor: if enabled, a cursor character will be displayed to indicate the typing.
Fade: if enabled, the backwards animation will be replaced by a fade animation.

– Tamu

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