Scroll Reading
How it works
Scroll Reading effect can be achieved thanks to a mask whose dimensions are modified on scroll.
Mask color should match your site’s background to achieve an appropiate Scroll Reading effect. In addition, Mask should have a high z-index. Otherwise other elements at the layout could overlap the animation. Both styles can be edited at the Style controls.
Animation controls
Split type: determines how Scroll Reading will be splitted: lines, words or chars. The demo is splitted in lines.
ScrollTrigger controls
Start: determines the position of the Trigger to fire the animation. “top bottom” means when the top of the element hits the bottom of the viewport.
End: determines the end of the animation. It is specially to control the end of the mask at letters and words.
Scroller: the element that will act as the scrolling viewport. It is the body by default.
– Tamu