Stripe megaMenu
How it works
Stripe megaMenu is a nestable element that contains a Burger (that will display on responsive if enabled), a Nav element that contains “Nav Item” elements and a Dropdown List element that contains Dropdown elements (not the Dropdown element from Next Bricks, it’s just for naming).
First Dropdown matches first Nav Item, Second Dropdown matches second Nav Item and so on. If you need more Dropdowns, then just generate a new one with it’s corresponding Nav Item at Structure panel or by using the repeater control available at Dropdown List element.
Dropdown element is a nestable element so you can place any content inside it. Each Dropdown also contains a Mobile Nav Item that replicates the Nav Item on mobile, you can delete them and use the text elements you prefer as new Mobile Nav Items.
If there is a Nav Item that won’t have a dropdown and it is in the middle of the dropdown’s workflow, you can use “Skip class” control and assign that class to the Nav Item to omit. e.g: there are 4 Nav Items and 3 Dropdowns because the third Nav Item won’t have a Dropdown, then we would just omit it and the third Dropdown will be assigned to the fourth Nav Item.
Arrow controls
If Arrow is enabled, an arrow will be included at Dropdowns, pointing at their Nav Item. Arrow styles have to be set here.
Dropdown controls
All Dropdown styles can be set here at once, but they can also be set at their own style tabs. Dropdown entrance/exit animation can be also customized here.
Stripe controls
Stripe animation when going from one Dropdown to another can be customized at this section at pleasure, including intensity and durations.
Responsive controls
If Responsive is enabled, Dropdown List will collapse at the breakpoint selected.
– Tamu