Marquee Button v2

How it works
Marquee Button v2 dimensions will be determined by the marquee title. It is recommended to have a marquee title longer than the swapped title, otherwise it may overflow.
Marquee animation is made of the marquee title and a clone.
Animation controls
Speed: similar to a duration. Will determine how much time a marque iteration should last. The demos uses 3s.
CSS easing: you can set any custom CSS easing of your own. Learn more about CSS easings here.
Translate Animation controls
CSS easing: you can set any custom CSS easing of your own. Learn more about CSS easings here.
Swap Animation controls
Type: determines how the swapped title will be splitted. chars, words or lines. The demo is splitted in chars.
Stagger: determines the delay to apply before the second letter or word starts animating and so on. The demo uses 0.02
CSS easing: you can set any custom CSS easing of your own. Learn more about CSS easings here.
Background Animation controls
CSS easing: you can set any custom CSS easing of your own. Learn more about CSS easings here.
– Tamu