
Version 1.6.3
August 23, 2024

Next Bricks 1.6.3

New · 43 new burgers at Burger element
New · Color control at Burger to change color when toggled
New · Added lenis scroll snap plugin at Smooth scroll element
Improve · Removed Burger element dependency at Menus when setting a custom toggle

Version 1.6.2
August 13, 2024

Next Bricks 1.6.2

New · Border Beam element
New · Circular Menu element
New · Integration of Barbajs Router plugin at Page Transitions to declare custom paths
New · Integration of Barbajs CSS plugin at Page Transitions
New · Dots for inputs at Animator and Page Transitions, just like inputs at Bricks Builder
New · Render styles option at Animator and Page Transitions
New · Possibility to have custom Nav Items at Stripe megaMenu
Improve · Horizontal Scroll element will recalculate it’s dimensions when resizing the window
Improve · Glowing Card will take scrolling behavior at touch devices
Improve · Next UI support to Bricks v1.10

Version 1.6.1
August 5, 2024

Next Bricks 1.6.1

New · Object fit, Object position and filters controls to images at Before/After, Image Hotspots, Parallax and Image reveal elements
New · Zoom X distance and Zoom Y distance controls to customize Zoom at Zoom Lens element
Improve · Burger lock body scroll compatibility with lenis smooth scroll
Improve · Observer element will also observe on scroll
Fix · Zoom lens element’s behavior affected by Wordpress admin bar

Version 1.6
July 31, 2024

Next Bricks 1.6

New · Page Transitions feature
New · Particles element
New · Physics element
New · Ripple Button v2 element
New · Ripple Button v3 element
New · Marquee Button v2 element
New · Timeline element
New · Horizontal Scroll element
New · Lamp element
New · Dropdown element
New · Dropdown megaMenu element
New · Arrow Icon element
New · Table of contents element
New · Spotlight v2 element
New · Infinite Title was converted into Vertical Marquee with new controls
New · Possibility to have multiple Cursor elements
New · Next Tabs Transform animations
New · Animator shortcut
New · Next UI Themes: dark theme, light theme and bricks theme
New · In-built switch function at Next UI to switch between themes directly at the builder
New · Possibility to set the page name as the morphing nav active item without having to use custom fields
New · Morphing Nav items were converted to nestable elements to morph any element dropped at them
Improve · Disable at touch devices control at Glowing Card

Version 1.5
May 15, 2024

Next Bricks 1.5

New · Next UI
New · Animator
New · dashboard look
Improve · Possibility to disable Parallax element at the builder and at touch devices
Improve · Mini drag now toggles Drawer
Improve · Drawer content now can’t receive selection states
Improve · Reworked Random letters scale effect
Improve · Added prefix and sufix at Fluid Gradient Title
Improve · Glowing card hsl controls
Improve · Possibility to have more than one Observer per page
Fix · Use of Bricks custom functions at Plesk
Fix · Glowing card at touch devices loaded outside the viewport

Version 1.4.2
April 12, 2024

Next Bricks 1.4.2

New · Media element
New · Scroll Cascading element
New · Typed element
New · Unfold Hover element
New · Possibility to apply background and backdrop styles at Sticky Header when a given offset value is reached
New · Always type at Glitchy to glitch elements by intervals and not only by triggers
Improve · Lenisjs integration at Smooth Scroll now supports smooth scroll behaviour for anchors
Improve · Disable Smooth Scroll option at touch devices
Improve · Included Strokes and Fills changes at Dark Mode element
Improve · An Element’s CSS is only loaded when that Element exists at the front instead of loading a global CSS file
Improve · Custom tags at all text elements
Improve · Performance and page speed
Improve · Alpha channel support at Dark Mode element

What is Next Bricks?

Next Bricks enriches Bricks Builder ecosystem with a wide variety of well thought-out elements and features. It's pretty special and it allows to create sites that couldn't be made just with Bricks.

Can I try Next Bricks before purchasing?

You can generate a temporary site with Next Bricks included at playground

What is your refund policy?

We offer full returns during the first 30 days if you aren't able to use Next Bricks and our team can't give you a solution.
You can generate a playground and see if Next Bricks is for you.

Why did you increase pricing?

Next Bricks doesn't have a fixed pricing. It increases with the release of new features and elements.

Will you be adding more elements and features?

We work daily to bring new elements and features to Next Bricks. We release versions with new things constantly. All their new content is available at the changelog.

Can I request an element or feature?

Absolutely! Requests are most welcome. In fact, many of these were made in response to requests from the community. Feel free to reach us at [email protected] or find us hanging in our Facebook community or Bricks unofficial Discord.

Where can I get support?

If you’ve found an issue, need help with your site, or simply have a question about one of our elements and features, our Facebook community is the place to go. You can also reach us at [email protected]

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